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Cited article:

Sequential Inference Methods for Non-Homogeneous Poisson Processes With State-Space Prior

Chenhao Li and Simon Godsill
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 69 1154 (2021)

Modeling intent and destination prediction within a Bayesian framework: Predictive touch as a usecase

Runze Gan, Jiaming Liang, Bashar I. Ahmad and Simon Godsill
Data-Centric Engineering 1 (2020)

Fundamental Frequency Estimation in Speech Signals With Variable Rate Particle Filters

Geliang Zhang and Simon Godsill
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 24 (5) 890 (2016)

Bayesian Inference for Partially Observed Multiplicative Intensity Processes

Sophie Donnet and Judith Rousseau
Bayesian Analysis 11 (1) (2016)

Forecasting High-Frequency Futures Returns Using Online Langevin Dynamics

Hugh L. Christensen, James Murphy and Simon J. Godsill
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 6 (4) 366 (2012)

Monte Carlo Filtering of Piecewise Deterministic Processes

Nick Whiteley, Adam M. Johansen and Simon Godsill
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 20 (1) 119 (2011)