Instructions for guest editors

A. Instructions to propose a review paper

Please, kindly send your paper to one of the Editors-in-Chief.

B. How to propose a new volume

The following information should be provided:

  • Description of the scientific event (congress, workshop, summer school,...)
  • Dates and location of the event
  • Organizer(s)
  • Publication editor(s)
  • Scientific committee
  • List of speakers
  • Estimate of the number of pages of the volume

1. Decision of publication

There are two possible options for the evaluation of articles:

  • Option 1) The guest editors organise the evaluation process themselves. When all the articles of the issue have been evaluated, the guest editors send the articles they have chosen for publication to one of the editors-in-chief, along with reports. Based on the reports, the editor-in-chief authorises publication, rejects publication, or requests new reports. The volume is then issued, bearing the names of the guest editors.
  • Option 2) The guest editors send the articles they wish to see published to one of the editors-in-chief. The editor-in-chief in charge of the issue organises the evaluation of articles with the help of the editorial committee. The volume appears with the names of the guest editors and the name of the editor-in-chief in charge of the volume.

The Editorial Board decides acceptance or rejection of proposed publication. In case publication is accepted, the publication editor(s) is (are) asked to provide the complete volume with a scientific report and a copyright statement attached to each article.
The Editorial Board keeps the right to refuse publication of articles which would not fit ESAIM standards.

2. Format of the volumes

Each volume should be homogeneous and written using the same TeX or LaTeX format for each article. The precise format is left to the editors' choice, but they are advised to use LaTeX2e. A macro package in LaTeX2e, designed especially for "ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys", is available here. For each volume, the pagination should be continuous.

3. Presentation of articles

Each article must have a title containing no mathematical symbol, indices nor greek letters in order to appear in HTML.
It is highly recommended to attach a short abstract to each article, both in French and English with the same typographical constraints.

4. Financial dispositions

Electronic access to the readers is free of charges.
For each volume, a financial participation will be charged to the organizers by EDP Sciences. The amount of this participation is function of the number of pages.
For further information, contact the editorial secretary to the above mentioned address.

5. Peer-Review

The volumes are either edited by the editors-in-chief, or by invited editors. All the articles published in ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys are peer-reviewed.