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Fluid‐structure interaction including volumetric coupling with homogenised subdomains for modeling respiratory mechanics
Lena Yoshihara, Christian J. Roth and Wolfgang A. Wall International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 33(4) (2017)
Sound transmission in porcine thorax through airway insonification
Experimental and computational studies of sound transmission in a branching airway network embedded in a compliant viscoelastic medium
Zoujun Dai, Ying Peng, Hansen A. Mansy, Richard H. Sandler and Thomas J. Royston Journal of Sound and Vibration 339 215 (2015)
Homogenization of a Model for the Propagation of Sound in the Lungs
Comparison of Poroviscoelastic Models for Sound and Vibration in the Lungs
Zoujun Dai, Ying Peng, Hansen A. Mansy, Richard H. Sandler and Thomas J. Royston Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 136(5) (2014)
Robert C. Molthen, John B. Weaver, Brian Henry, Zoujun Dai, Ying Peng, Hansen A. Mansy, Richard H. Sandler and Thomas Royston 9038 90380W (2014)
A comprehensive computational model of sound transmission through the porcine lung
Zoujun Dai, Ying Peng, Brian M. Henry, Hansen A. Mansy, Richard H. Sandler and Thomas J. Royston The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 136(3) 1419 (2014)