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Flatness Approach for the Boundary Controllability of a System of Heat Equations

Blaise Colle, Jérôme Lohéac and Takéo Takahashi
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 62 (3) 1766 (2024)

Dynamics and Control of Advanced Structures and Machines

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Advanced Structured Materials, Dynamics and Control of Advanced Structures and Machines 156 123 (2022)

Flatness of Semilinear Parabolic PDEs—A Generalized Cauchy–Kowalevski Approach

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Motion Planning for Piezo-Actuated Flexible Structures: Modeling, Design, and Experiment

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IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 21 (3) 807 (2013)

Trajektorienplanung für eine piezo-aktuierte elastische Kirchhoff-Platte

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e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 129 (1) 11 (2012)

Tracking control design for a wave equation with dynamic boundary conditions modeling a piezoelectric stack actuator

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International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 21 (5) 542 (2011)

Trajectory planning for a two-dimensional quasi-linear parabolic PDE based on finite difference semi-discretizations

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Control of a flexible beam actuated by macro-fiber composite patches: I. Modeling and feedforward trajectory control

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Trajectory planning and receding horizon tracking control of a quasilinear diffusion-convection-reaction system

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IFAC Proceedings Volumes 43 (14) 587 (2010)

Trajectory planning for quasilinear parabolic distributed parameter systems based on finite-difference semi-discretisations

T. Utz, T. Meurer and A. Kugi
International Journal of Control 83 (6) 1093 (2010)

Model-based and model-free control of flexible-link robots: A comparison between representative methods

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Applied Mathematical Modelling 33 (10) 3906 (2009)

Trajectory Planning for Boundary Controlled Parabolic PDEs With Varying Parameters on Higher-Dimensional Spatial Domains

T. Meurer and A. Kugi
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 54 (8) 1854 (2009)

Tracking control for boundary controlled parabolic PDEs with varying parameters: Combining backstepping and differential flatness

Thomas Meurer and Andreas Kugi
Automatica 45 (5) 1182 (2009)

Zur Kombination von differenzieller Flachheit und Backstepping für die Trajektorienfolgeregelung eines Diffusions-Konvektions-Reaktionssystems

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e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 125 (1-2) 2 (2008)

Motion planning and open loop control design for linear distributed parameter systems with lumped controls

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Model inversion of boundary controlled parabolic partial differential equations using summability methods

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Flatness-based tracking control of a piezoactuated Euler–Bernoulli beam with non-collocated output feedback: theory and experiments†

T. Meurer, D. Thull and A. Kugi
International Journal of Control 81 (3) 475 (2008)

Feedforward tracking control for non‐uniform Timoshenko beam models: combining differential flatness, modal analysis, and FEM

J. Becker and T. Meurer
ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 87 (1) 37 (2007)

An infinite-dimensional control concept for piezoelectric structures with complex hysteresis

A. Kugi, D. Thull and K. Kuhnen
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Control of a clamped-free beam by a piezoelectric actuator

Emmanuelle Crépeau and Christophe Prieur
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 12 (3) 545 (2006)

Flatness-Based Tracking Control for Parabolic Distributed-Parameter Systems with Boundary Input (Flachheitsbasierte Folgeregelung für parabolische verteilt-parametrische Systeme mit Randeingriff)

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auto 54 (8) 372 (2006)

Feedforward and Feedback Tracking Control of Nonlinear Diffusion−Convection−Reaction Systems Using Summability Methods

T. Meurer and M. Zeitz
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 44 (8) 2532 (2005)

A Combination of Flatness‐Based Tracking Control with Passivity‐Based Control for a Certain Class of Infinite‐Dimensional Systems

Andreas Kugi and Daniel Daniel
PAMM 5 (1) 169 (2005)

Flachheitsbasierte Steuerung und Regelung eines Wärmeleitungssystems (Flatness-based Feedforward and Feedback Control of a Heat Conduction System)

Thomas Meurer and Michael Zeitz
at - Automatisierungstechnik 52 (9) 411 (2004)

Flachheitsbasierte Steuerung eines Timoshenko‐Balkens

J. Rudolph and F. Woittennek
ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 83 (2) 119 (2003)

Motion planning for a class of boundary controlled linear hyperbolic PDE's involving finite distributed delays

Frank Woittennek and Joachim Rudolph
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 9 419 (2003)

Flatness-based boundary control of a class of quasilinear parabolic distributed parameter systems

A. F. Lynch and J. Rudolph
International Journal of Control 75 (15) 1219 (2002)

Nonlinear control in the year 2000 volume 2

Alan F. Lynch and Joachim Rudolph
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Nonlinear control in the year 2000 volume 2 259 45 (2001)

Randsteuerung von Wärmetauschern mit örtlich verteilten Parametern: Ein flachheitsbasierter Zugang (Boundary Control of Heat Exchangers with Spatially Distributed Parameters: A Flatness-Based Approach)

Joachim Rudolph
auto 48 (8) 399 (2000)

Flachheitsbasierte Randsteuerung parabolischer Systeme mit verteilten Parametern (Flatness-based Boundary Control of Parabolic Distributed Parameter Systems)

A.F. Lynch and Joachim Rudolph
auto 48 (10) 478 (2000)