Issue |
ESAIM: Proc.
Volume 1, 1996
Vortex flows an related numerical methods II
Page(s) | 169 - 180 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 August 2002 |
Vortex dynamics, combinatorics and statistics
Dept. of Mathematical Sciences RPI, Troy, NY 12180, USA
This report represents an overview of the interconnections between the dynamics of large vortex systems, combinatorics, n-body problems and statistical mechanics. The combinatorial perturbation method for the 2D vortex problem is discussed; the essential combinatorial symplectic transformations to Jacobi-type variables which are based on a binary tree algorithm, is introduced and extended to the 3D vortex problem. Combinatorial and graph-theoretic results which are motivated by the computational needs of the vortex problem, are mentioned. They include new results on sign-nonsingular patterns and noneven digraphs. A simplified singular limit of the 3D Hamiltonian for vortex dynamics is derived and its basic properties discussed. The 2- and 3-body problems in this simple model is studied.
© EDP Sciences, ESAIM, 1996
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