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Representative volume elements for matrix-inclusion composites - a computational study on the effects of an improper treatment of particles intersecting the boundary and the benefits of periodizing the ensemble
Stochastic homogenization of the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation
François Alouges, Anne de Bouard, Benoît Merlet and Léa Nicolas Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations 9(4) 789 (2021)
Numerical study in stochastic homogenization for elliptic partial differential equations: Convergence rate in the size of representative volume elements
Venera Khoromskaia, Boris N. Khoromskij and Felix Otto Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 27(3) (2020)
Optimal Approximation of the First-Order Corrector in Multiscale Stochastic Elliptic PDE
Caroline Geiersbach, Clemens Heitzinger and Gerhard Tulzer SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 4(1) 1246 (2016)