ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys: All issues
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Vol. 72-75
pp. 1-256
CEMRACS 2021 - Data Assimilation and Reduced Modeling for High Dimensional Problems
pp. 1-162
Fourth Workshop on Compressible Multiphase Flows: Derivation, closure laws, thermodynamics
Vol. 67-69
pp. I / 1-103
Second Workshop on Compressible Multiphase Flows: Derivation, closure laws, thermodynamics
pp. I / 1-335
CEMRACS 2018 - Numerical and mathematical modeling for biological and medical applications: deterministic, probabilistic and statistical descriptions
Vol. 65-66
pp. I / 1-143
Workshop on Compressible Multiphase Flows: Derivation, closure laws, thermodynamics
pp. I / 1-497
CEMRACS 2017 - Numerical methods for stochastic models: control, uncertainty quantification, mean-field
Vol. 61-64
pp. I / 1-157
SMAI 2017 - 8e Biennale Française des Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles
pp. I-III / 1-289
CEMRACS 2016 - Numerical challenges in parallel scientific computing
Vol. 56-60
pp. I-II / 1-117
LMLFN 2015 – Low Velocity Flows – Application to Low Mach and Low Froude regimes
Vol. 53-55
pp. I-II / 1-166
CEMRACS 2015: Coupling multi-physics models involving fluids
Vol. 48-52
pp. I-IV / 1-157
CMACS 2014 - Colloque de Modélisation, Analyse et Contrôle des Systèmes
pp. I-II / 1-446
CEMRACS 2013 - Modelling and simulation of complex systems: stochastic and deterministic approaches
Vol. 39-43
pp. I / 1-143
Applied Mathematics In Savoie - AMIS 2012: Multiphase flow in industrial and environmental engineering
pp. I / 1-77
Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis – CSNDD 2012
Vol. 35-38
pp. 1-455 / -1
CEMRACS’11: Multiscale Coupling of Complex Models in Scientific Computing
Vol. 31-34
pp. I-II / 1-290
Summer school on multiresolution and adaptive mesh refinement methods
pp. I-II / 1-241
CEMRACS'10 research achievements: Numerical modeling of fusion
pp. 1-115
X Symposium on Probability and Stochastic Processes and the First Joint Meeting France-Mexico of Probability
Vol. 26-29
pp. I-II / 1-129
Multiresolution and Adaptive Methods for Convection-Dominated Problems
Vol. 22-25
pp. I-II / 1-129
Paris-sud working group on modelling and scientific computing 2007-2008
Vol. 16-21
pp. I / 1-107
Journées d'analyse fonctionnelle et numérique en l'honneur de Michel Crouzeix
pp. I / 1-216
RFMAO 05 - Rencontres Franco-Marocaines en Approximation et Optimisation 2005
pp. I / 1-228
Paris-sud working group on modelling and scientific computing 2006-2007
pp. I / 1-241
CEMRACS 2005 - Computational Aeroacoustics and Computational Fluid Dynamics in Turbulent Flows
Vol. 11-12
pp. 1-162
MS4CMS 2002 - Modélisation & Simulation pour la Médecine et la Chirurgie Assistée par Ordinateur / Modelling & Simulation for Computer-aided Medicine and Surgery
Vol. 8-9
pp. 1-167
Automatique, Biologie et Santé: Modélisation et commande de régulations biologiques