Issue |
Volume 58, 2017
LMLFN 2015 – Low Velocity Flows – Application to Low Mach and Low Froude regimes
Page(s) | 27 - 39 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 08 November 2017 |
A low-Mach Roe-type solver for the Euler equations allowing for gravity source terms *
1 Department of Mathematics, Würzburg University, Germany
2 Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, Germany
3 Heidelberg University, Germany
In order to perform simulations of low Mach number flow in presence of gravity the technique from [23] is found insufficient as it is unable to cope with the presence of a hydrostatic equilibrium. Instead, a new modification of the diffusion matrix in the context of Roe-type schemes is suggested. We show that without gravity it is able to resolve the incompressible limit, and does not violate the conditions of hydrostatic equilibrium when gravity is present. These properties are verified by performing a formal asymptotic analysis of the scheme. Furthermore, we study its von Neumann stability when subject to explicit time integration and demonstrate its abilities on numerical examples.
© EDP Sciences, SMAI 2017
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